Ciklus webinara s dr. Amber Khan/Series of webinars with Dr Amber Khan

Centar za edukaciju i istraživanje “Nahla” u saradnji s Centrom za islam u savremenom svijetu (CICW) i Centrom za napredne studije u maju 2023. organizira besplatan serijal webinara “Let’s Talk About What We Aren’t Talking About!” koji će obuhvatiti teme značajne za odgoj i obrazovanje u savremenom društvenom kontekstu, a o kojima se malo govori unutar našeg obrazovnog sistema (pubertet i promjene koje on donosi, seksualnost i identitet, mentalno zdravlje, pozitivna upotreba tehnologije…) Posebna prednost ovog serijala webinara je što će ove teme obraditi u svjetlu islamskih rješenja i preporuka koje se mogu pronaći unutar islamskih svetih tekstova.

Webinari su namijenjeni učiteljima/učiteljicama,  nastavnicima/nastavnicama, roditeljima, aktivistima/aktivisticama i svima onima koji rade s mladima u različitim formama, s ciljem da kao odgajatelji budu u potpunosti angažirani u stvarnosti današnjeg konteksta, kao što je Poslanik, a.s., bio u potpunosti angažiran u svojoj kontekstualnoj stvarnosti i da usvoje metodologiju koja će im pomoći da ovaj pristup na najuspješniji način primijene u radu s mladim osobama.



Center for Education and Research “Nahla” in cooperation with the Center for Islam in the Contemporary World (CICW) and the Center for Advanced Studies is organizing a free webinar series “Let's Talk About What We Aren't Talking About!” in May 2023. which will cover topics important for upbringing and education in the contemporary social context, and about which little is said within our educational system (puberty and the changes it brings, sexuality and identity, mental health, positive use of technology…) A special advantage of this webinar series is that it will address these topics in the light of Islamic solutions and recommendations that can be found within Islamic holy texts.

Webinars are intended for teachers, teachers, parents, activists and all those who work with young people in different forms, with the aim that as educators they are fully engaged in the reality of today's context, just as the Prophet, peace be upon him, was fully engaged in his contextual reality and to adopt a methodology that will help them to apply this approach in the most successful way in working with young people.


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“Ova objava je nastala u okviru Bosnia and Herzegovina Resilience Initiative(BHRI) projektom, koji sprovodi Međunarodna organizacija za migracije (IOM), uz finansijsku podršku Austrijske razvojne saradnje.“