Konkurs za stipendije Vlade Japana (MEXT) za 2024. godinu // Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for the year 2024

Ambasada Japana u BiH otvorila je konkurs za stipendije Vlade Japana (MEXT) za 2024. godinu, za stipendiranje studenata koji imaju želju ili interes da studiraju u Japanu. Konkurs obuhvata tri studijska programa: postdiplomski istraživački studij (MA, PhD ili bez diplome), dodiplomski studij (bakalaureat) i tehnološki koledž (diplomirano stručno zvanje i / ili bakalaureat). Stipendija pokriva troškove školarine, povratne avio karte, a studenti dobijaju i mjesečni džeparac.

Prijave na konkurs moraju stići na adresu ambasade Japana do 26. maja 2023. godine, putem pošte ili ličnom dostavom. Više informacija o potrebnim dokumentima za prijavu i procesu aplikacije svi zainteresovani mogu pronaći na stranici ambasade
(LINK: https://www.bosnia.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_bs/MEXT.html ).
Informativni brifing o MEXT stipendiji uz prisustvo bivših stipendista će biti održan 28. aprila i 10. maja. Ovi brifinzi će se dijeliti i putem ZOOM-a. Svi oni koji žele učestvovati na brifinzima, molimo da posjete web stranicu ambasade gdje će pronaći link za ZOOM registraciju.

【Brifing o MEXT stipendiji】
1 U Banjoj Luci
28. april, od 14:00 ~
Multimedijalna sala Inovacionog centra Banja Luka (adresa: Mladena Stojanovića 4)
2 U Sarajevu
10. maj, od 16:30 ~
Učionica za japanski jezik na Filozofskom fakultetu UNSA (adresa: Franje Račkog 1)


The Embassy of Japan in BiH has opened a call for applications for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship for the year 2024, for students who have a desire or interest to study in Japan. Three types of study programmesare included: postgraduate research studies (MA, PhD or without a diploma), undergraduate studies
(baccalaureate) and college of technology (technological expert and/or baccalaureate). The scholarship covers tuition fees, return air tickets, and students also receive a monthly allowance. Application documents must arrive at the Embassy by May 26, 2023, by post  or direct delivery. Students who are interested in applying can find more information about the required application documents and the

application process on the embassy's website (LINK: https://www.bosnia.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_bs/MEXT_2023_en.html ).

An informative briefing about the MEXT scholarship with the presence of former scholarship students will be
held on April 28 and May 10. These briefings will be shared via ZOOM meeting as well. Those who wish to
participate in the briefings, please visit the embassy’s website where you will find a link for ZOOM registration.

【Briefing for MEXT scholarship】
1 In Banja Luka
April 28, at 2:00 p.m.~
Multimedia Hall of the Inovation Center Banja Luka (address: Mladena Stojanovića 4)
2 In Sarajevo
May 10, at 4:30 p.m.~
Classroom for Japanese language at the Faculty of Philosophy UNSA (address: Franje Račkog 1)

For more information, please contact the Embassy of Japan:
Email: embassyofjapan.culture@sx.mofa.go.jp
URL: http://www.bosnia.emb-japan.go.jp

“Ova objava je nastala u okviru Bosnia and Herzegovina Resilience Initiative(BHRI) projektom, koji sprovodi Međunarodna organizacija za migracije (IOM), uz finansijsku podršku Austrijske razvojne saradnje.“