Call for Expression of Interest for Project Proposals Aiming to Strengthen Civic Engagement of Youth and Creation of Positive Narratives

1                Timeline

Call for Expression of interest ID #  
Posted (date) February 13th, of 2023
Clarification Request Deadline February 20th, 2023
Application Deadline March 13th, 2023
Notification of Results March 20th, 2023
Implementation Start Date Between April 1st and June 1st of 2023
Implementation End Date Latest November 30th of 2023

2                Locations

Proposed activities need to be implemented and or/include local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly West Herzegovina, Una-Sana Canton, Central Bosnia, Banja Luka region, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Zenica, Brčko District, Kalesija, and Birač region (Vlasenica, Milići, Bratunac, Srebrenica and Zvornik).

3                Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization

                Social cohesion and resilience; youth activism; civic engagement of youth; positive narratives; preventing violent extremism.

4                Issuing Agency

IOM Bosnia and Herzegovina

5                Project Background

                  Launched in November 2017, the BHRI program has been implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), to strengthen positive social actors and discourses to provide alternatives to extremist voices and influences. Funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funds from Austrian Development Cooperation, BHRI is part of IOM’s multi-donor social cohesion and resilience portfolio.

Through a small-grants mechanism, BHRI is working to bolster local activism and leadership for enhanced civic engagement and strengthen voices and actors that challenge division and extremism.

For the upcoming period, the overall objectives of the program are:

  1. to increase civic engagement of youth and citizens for positive change in their communities; and
  2. to increase audience, reach and engagement with positive media content as an alternative to divisive and extremist media content.

Through BHRI program, IOM BiH seeks to partner with local civil society, non-governmental organizations, and media from local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly Una-Sana Canton, West Herzegovina, Central Bosnia, Brčko District, Banja Luka region, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Zenica, Kalesija and Birač region, and invites all interested parties to submit project proposals corresponding to the program objectives.

Project proposals must therefore contribute to addressing the vacuum of positive narratives in Bosnia and Herzegovina that allow negative voices to flourish. BHRI will continue bolstering credible voices to develop and disseminate messages and implement activities that strengthen youth civic engagement and present an alternative to extremist and divisive rhetoric and thought.

6                Expected Results

Project activities must contribute to the achievement of the project results through different activities and initiatives implemented either directly within the local communities, or on state/entity/district level with a clear connection to the set objectives. In that regard the projects are expected to:

  • Create resources and/or conditions necessary for youth activism and organizations to act in their local communities.
  • Support and strengthen advocacy initiatives aimed to enhance the position of youth in their local communities and youth activism in BiH.
  • Strengthen cooperation and networking opportunities among youth, youth organizations, media, and other stakeholders across the targeted communities.
  • Create and disseminate positive narratives and uphold the idea of shared heritage, values, needs and interests of youth and all the citizens of BiH.

To achieve set results, project activities may include activities such as:

  1. Establishing a mentorship program for the capacity building of future community leaders and creating a knowledge transfer system/practice within the youth organizations.
  2. Conducting capacity building of local activists/community members to implement community and advocacy actions aiming to engage youth and promote positive narratives.
  3. Advocating towards identified stakeholders (individuals or institutions) to advance the position and the status of youth in the identified targeted communities, as well as countrywide. The advocacy initiatives need to be designed to enhance the opportunities and support for youth in local communities – for instance, related to access to social services, youth organizing, youth policies, implementation of the Law on youth, etc.

4 Promoting conducted activities through planned, community-based, and country-wide campaigns disseminating positive narratives and connecting youth for change.

  1. Cultivating youth exchange among different communities within BiH, ensuring experience and knowledge exchange among youth, as well as conducting joint activities in each of the communities to counter divisive narratives
  2. Implementing joint cross-entity projects and activities aiming to promote youth activism and positive narratives through cooperation/coalitions/networks of organizations/bodies/media active in targeted communities.
  3. Promoting positive narratives through creative outlets and arts to contribute to the creation of the idea of shared heritage, values, needs and interests of all the citizens of BiH

7                Indicative Budget

                  The funds will be awarded in the amount of

  • Minimum 10 000 BAM up to 50 000 BAM maximum

The implementation period of the project must be 6 months minimum up to 8 months maximum.

The projects must be implemented within the period from April 1st to November 30th of 2023.

8                Other Information

  1. a) The funds will be awarded to the following applicants:

– Civil society organizations or non-profit organizations registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with applicable domestic regulations. The organization must be registered in accordance with the law for at least one (1) year, with clear evidence of previous experience in the implementation of similar projects, be youth-led and have a track record of working with youth and on youth-centred issues and promoting positive narratives within their communities.

– Youth Councils, both umbrella and local councils registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with applicable domestic regulations. The councils must be operative for at least one (1) year, with clear evidence of previous experience in the implementation of similar projects and activities.

  1. b) Eligible activities

– Beneficiaries – projects must include youth in the local communities in BiH designated within this call. Inclusion of diverse groups of beneficiaries, especially paying attention to gender representation, people with disabilities and people from rural areas, in planned activities, is expected.

– Partnerships – Partnerships with other organizations working with youth and/or promoting positive narratives are strongly recommended.

In the case of a partnership, the concept must include a clear description of the role of the partner, and a plan for sharing resources between the partners. During the project proposal phase, selected applicants whose projects envisage partnership relations will have to submit a statement letter signed by the partner.

Activities considered ineligible for funding:

  • Activities that fall under general research and marketing activities without a specific outcome;
  • Activities that consist exclusively or mostly of sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses, and individual scholarships for education or training;
  • Activities that support political parties;
  • Activities related to party policies or activities of a political or party nature;
  • Marketing promotion activities;
  • Re-granting activities (ie use of funds for granting grants or loans to other organizations);
  • Activities that consist of investment in infrastructure and/or procurement of equipment;
  • Emergency aid or charitable donations;
  • Activities whose significant part of the budget covers staff costs.
  1. c) Eligible costs

The funds will be awarded on the condition that the verification process conducted prior to signing the contract, shows no problems have been identified that require changes to the budget (for example, calculation errors, inaccuracies or unrealistic costs). As part of the IOM checks, possible additional clarifications or changes can be asked from the applicants. However, an increase in the amount of grant funds is not possible during the correction. Eligible costs are the actual costs of the project applicant.

Only eligible costs are taken into account for the awarding of funds. They must be based on real market costs.

Eligible costs are the actual costs of the project, which must meet the following criteria:

  1. a) They incurred during the implementation of the project, in accordance with the activities provided for in the contract;
  2. b) They are indicated in the total project budget;
  3. c) They are necessary for project implementation;
  4. d) Costs can be determined and verified, they are recorded in the accounting books of the applicant and determined according to applicable accounting standards;
  5. e) They meet the requirements in terms of applicable tax and social regulations.

Eligible direct costs of the applicants are:

  1. a) Costs of staff working directly on the activities, in accordance with the actual gross salaries, including issuances for contributions, provided that salaries and expenses do not exceed the amount of the usual costs of the applicant;
  2. b) Travel and accommodation costs for staff and other participants in the project provided that supporting documentation is submitted that confirms actual costs;

For all applications to this call, staff costs, as well as all purchases within the project must be expressed including VAT, meaning, budget items must be stated with VAT included. The amount of the applicant's financial participation must also be stated in the budget. Financial participation of the applicant is encouraged.

  1. d) Ineligible costs:

In the context of this call, ineligible costs are considered to be:

  1. Debts and accompanying interest;
  2. Funds for damages or potential future obligations to third parties;
  3. Expenses of the applicant, which are financed by other donors;
  4. Acquisition and rehabilitation of land and/or buildings;
  5. Procurement of vehicles;
  6. Procurement of alcoholic and energy drinks, tobacco products and other psychoactive substances;
  7. Currency conversion costs;
  8. Loans to third parties.

  1. e) Non-material contribution

Non-material contributions (value of existing equipment, donations, volunteer work) are not considered real expenses and do not represent acceptable costs.

9                Selection Criteria

Name Description Weight

Relevance of the proposal to

achieving expected results


The proposal must be clear on how the designed activities will contribute to the civic engagement of youth and citizens for positive change in their communities and/or increase in positive narratives and media content as an alternative to divisive and extremist media content.

The proposal must ensure that all activities are designed with the needs and interests of youth in mind and that the activities and positive messages correspond with youth and the communities in which the activities are implemented.


Sustainability of intervention


An emphasis on the possibility of replicating and/or expanding activities and suggesting an innovative approach to identified issues.

The proposal must demonstrate synergies with previous or ongoing similar initiatives and clarify whether and in what way the project builds on the previous achievements and activities, as well as how it will ensure their sustainability after the project completion.


Gender mainstreaming


The proposal should demonstrate how gender mainstreaming will be approached during the implementation and how gender representation will be ensured through the planned activities and interventions.


Involvement of diverse social groups


The proposal should demonstrate how young people with different ethnic,  and geographical backgrounds, people with disabilities and other minorities will be included and reached through the planned activities to effectively break down stereotypes and divisions.


Facilitating youth and community exchange


The proposal must ensure the involvement of youth and other stakeholders across local communities in BiH, networking or exchange between the youth of different communities, and/or activities aimed at enhancing their skills and knowledge to engage in civic activism.

The proposal should demonstrate how to successfully make positive and youth-centred stories through youth-engaging formats.


Previous experience and expertize of the applicant


Expertise and experience in working with international donors, and implementing similar projects and activities. Adequacy and clarity of proposed application, activity design, and budget. Relevant technical expertise and experience in working with youth, and a different range of stakeholders at a national and local level in establishing a youth-sensitive perspective across sectors.




Partnerships of applicants from different communities targeted by the call, which involve youth exchange and/or cooperation, joint actions and networking.


  1. 10.Attachments

Description URL
ANNEX A – Terms of Reference Annex A – ToR – CFEI
ANNEX B – Implementing Partner References Checklist Annex B – IP Reference Checklist.docx
ANNEX C – Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire Annex C – IP General Information Questionnaire.docx
ANNEX D – Concept Note Template Annex D – Concept Note Template
ANNEX – E Financial and Narrative Reporting Templates Annex E – IP Budget and Financial Reporting Example

Annex E – IP Narative Reporting Template

ANNEX F – Project Implementation Agreement Template Annex F – Project Implementation Agreement template
Please add any other templates as relevant (Insert link)

For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please visit

The organizations responding to this call need to demonstrate their capacity to implement all listed activities as a single package. Partial applications for individual activities will not be considered.

IOM reserves the right to cancel/reduce the scope of planned activities or to introduce new/broaden the scope of the existing activities. Selected Implementing partner needs to be ready to develop a detailed budget based on submitted proposal in two weeks upon receiving the notification from IOM.

All applicants will receive written notification, within the two weeks after the deadline for the submission of Concept Note, of the outcome of the selection process. Should an applicant request further clarification, IOM will provide a response explaining the transparency and integrity of the selection process undertaken.

IOM reserves the right to decline disclosure of the specificity of decision derived by the IOM mission due to reasons related to confidentiality.

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest, and to annul the selection process and reject all Expression of Interest at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partners.

For more information, please send an email to

Expression of Interest submission guidelines

This document contains instructions on the preparation and submission of the Application including Annex A: IP Information.

  1. The Application must be submitted either by hand or through mail, in a sealed envelope to IOM with office address at [insert complete address] no later than [insert date and time of deadline of submission]. Late Applications will no longer be considered.
  2. A detailed description must be provided on how the requirements specified in the Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) issued by IOM will be matched by the capabilities, experience, knowledge, and expertise of the Implementing Partners
  3. The Application must be submitted in one original and one copy and the envelope must be marked “Original” and “Copy” as appropriate. If there are any discrepancies between the original and the copy the original governs. Both envelopes shall be placed in an outer envelope and sealed. The outer envelope shall be labelled with the submission address, reference number and title of the Project and name of the Implementing Partner.
  4. The Application must be submitted in the English language and in the format prescribed by IOM within the CEI. All required information must be provided, responding clearly and concisely to all the points set out. Any application which does not fully and comprehensively address these CEI requirements may be rejected.
  5. The Application document should comprise of the following:
    1. Cover Letter;
    2. Duly accomplished application documentation as outlined within the CEI signed on all pages by the Implementing Partner’s Authorized Representative; and
    3. Any other relevant documents
  6. Applications may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time specified in this Request for EoI. Applications shall not be modified or withdrawn after the deadline.
  7. The Implementing partner shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Application and IOM will not, in any case, be responsible and liable for the costs incurred.
  8. IOM at no occasion will ask for an application fee from Implementing Partners.
  9. All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Implementing Partners in connection with this CEI is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Implementing Partner shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the selection process has been completed whether or not the Implementing Partner application is successful.
  10. IOM will treat all information (or that marked proprietary/sensitive/financial) received from Implementing Partners as confidential and any personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles.
  11. The Implementing Partner, by submitting an application, gives consent to IOM to share information with those who need to know for the purposes of evaluating and managing the proposal.
  12. IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to cancel the process and reject all Applications, at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing partner or any obligation to inform the affected Implementing partner of the ground for IOM’s action.


The below information is requested to be included in the response to the CEI issued by IOM:


  • Starting Month/ Year
  • Ending Month / Year
  • Donor / Lead partner
  • Description of projects
  • Contract Amount

Remarks (Provide documentary evidence)


  • Year
  • Donor / Lead partner
  • Description of projects
  • Contract Amount
  • Remarks (Provide documentary evidence (*))


  • Name
  • Designation Qualification
  • No. of Years of Experience

Provide an organizational chart and detailed CVs for key management and personnel in the Organization


In addition to the required information, Implementing Partners may provide any other related documents

IOM Mission BiH

IOM Call for Expression of Interest ID#:

Terms of Reference


Through this Call for Expression of Interest, IOM BiH seeks to partner with local civil society, non-governmental organizations, and media from local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly Una-Sana Canton, West Herzegovina, Central Bosnia, Brčko District, Banja Luka region, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Zenica, Kalesija and Birač region, to and invites all interested parties to submit project proposals corresponding to the program objectives of its BHRI program.
Launched in November 2017, the BHRI program has been implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), to strengthen positive social actors and discourses to provide alternatives to extremist voices and influences. Funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) with funds from Austrian Development Cooperation, BHRI is part of IOM’s multi-donor social cohesion and resilience portfolio.

Through a small-grants mechanism, BHRI is working to bolster local activism and leadership for enhanced civic engagement and strengthen voices and actors that challenge division and extremism.

For the upcoming period, the overall objectives of the program are:

1.            to increase civic engagement of youth and citizens for positive change in their communities; and

2.            to increase audience, reach and engagement with positive media content as an alternative to divisive and extremist media content.

Through BHRI program, IOM BiH seeks to partner with local civil society, non-governmental organizations, and media from local communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, particularly Una-Sana Canton, West Herzegovina, Central Bosnia, Brčko District, Banja Luka, Prijedor, Prnjavor, Zenica, Kalesija and Birač region, to and invites all interested parties to submit project proposals corresponding to the program objectives.

Project proposals must therefore contribute to addressing the vacuum of positive narratives in Bosnia and Herzegovina that allow negative voices to flourish. BHRI will continue bolstering credible voices to develop and disseminate messages and implement activities that strengthen youth civic engagement and present an alternative to extremist and divisive rhetoric and thought.

The objectives of this Terms of Reference are to:

1. increase civic engagement of youth and citizens for positive change in their communities and

2. increase audience reach and engagement with positive media content as an alternative to divisive and extremist media content

Proposed interventions
  • Create resources and/or conditions necessary for youth activism and organizations to act in their local communities.
  • Support and strengthen advocacy initiatives aimed to enhance the position of youth in their local communities and youth activism in BiH.
  • Strengthen cooperation and networking opportunities among youth, youth organizations, media, and other stakeholders across the targeted communities.
  • Inspire collective action of youth and citizens of BiH based on the idea of shared heritage, values, needs and interests.
Overarching Outcomes:
  1. Respond to the needs of the youth sector in BiH.
  2. Strengthen the know-how necessary to ensure the sustainability of local youth organizations and the development of new generations of community leaders.
  3. Enhance the cooperation among different youth organizations and other stakeholders.
  4. Enhance cross-community exchange and cooperation thus strengthening the connections and collaboration.
  5. Creating joint ideas, values and interest-based narratives that promote shared positive action between youth and the citizens of BiH.
Expected results
1. Established a mentorship program for the capacity building of future community leaders and created a knowledge transfer system/practice within the youth organizations.

2. Conducted capacity building of local activists/community members to implement community and advocacy actions aiming to engage youth and promote positive narratives.

3. Advocated towards identified stakeholders (individuals or institutions) to advance the position and the status of youth in the identified targeted communities, as well as countrywide. The advocacy initiatives need to be designed to enhance the opportunities and support for youth in local communities – for instance, related to access to social services, youth organizing, youth policies, implementation of the Law on youth, etc.

4 Promoted conducted activities through planned, community-based, and country-wide campaigns disseminating positive narratives and connecting youth for change.

5. Cultivated youth exchange among different communities within BiH, ensuring experience and knowledge exchange among youth; and conducted joint activities in each of the communities to counter divisive narratives

6. Implemented joint cross-entity projects and activities aiming to promote youth activism and positive narratives through cooperation/coalitions/networks of organizations/bodies/media active in targeted communities.

7. Promoted positive narratives through creative outlets and arts to contribute to the creation of the idea of shared heritage, values, needs and interests of all the citizens of BiH

To strengthen positive social actors and discourses to provide alternatives to extremist and radicalizing voices and influences. To this end, IOM is proposing to bolster local activism and leadership for enhanced civic engagement and strengthen voices and actors that challenge division and extremism.
Partnerships and collaboration
Partnerships – Partnerships with other organizations working with youth and/or promoting positive narratives are strongly recommended.

In the case of a partnership, the concept must include a clear description of the role of the partner, and a plan for sharing resources between the partners. During the project proposal phase, selected applicants whose projects envisage partnership relations will have to submit a statement letter signed by the partner.

Proposed timeline:
The implementation period of the project must be 6 months minimum up to 8 months maximum.

The projects must be implemented within the period from April 1st to November 30th of 2023.

Qualification and experience
 – Civil society organizations or non-profit organizations registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with applicable domestic regulations. The organization must be registered in accordance with the law for at least one (1) year, with clear evidence of previous experience in the implementation of similar projects, be youth-led and have a track record of working with youth and on youth-centred issues and promoting positive narratives within their communities.

– Youth Councils, both umbrella and local councils registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with applicable domestic regulations. The councils must be operative for at least one (1) year, with clear evidence of previous experience in the implementation of similar projects and activities.

– Media outlets/organizations founded and registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina active in local communities designated within this call, working with young journalists, covering topics of interest to youth and producing the alternative and positive narratives in BH context.

Submission of the project proposal
The application must be submitted by e-mail to the IOM.

Applications are submitted exclusively via the e-mail address:

The application is submitted via e-mail in PDF format (signed and scanned).

Place and the deadline for submission of the project
March 13th, 2023, by 11:59 p.m., via e-mail

Late and incomplete applications will not be considered.

IOM Mission BiH

IOM Call for Expression of Interest ID#:

Implementing Partners General Information Questionnaire

Information provided in this form will be used as input to the Due Diligence Assessment of applicants

Call for Interest ID number:  
Full name of the Organization and abbreviation:  
Address and e-mail of contact person:  
Date of completion:  
Existing partnership with IOM?  
If yes, when did the cooperation with start?  
Is your organization legally registered in the country(ies) of implementation? If yes, please provide the registration number/proof. If not, please explain.
What is the status of the organization (e.g. IO/iNGO, NGO, etc)?  
Does the organization produce an annual audited financial statement that is publicly available? If not, please explain.
Does the organization`s management or ownership have any affiliation to IOM that would result in a conflict of interest?
Who has influence over the organization?  
When was the Organization founded?
When was the Organization last assessed by IOM or another UN entity?  
Date of last external evaluation and the name of the evaluator. Can the evaluation be shared with IOM?  
Is an updated organizational structure/chart and the CVs of key personnel attached to the application?
Where does the organization work in the country and what is its in-country structure
and field presence?
How many staff members work in the country office/programme?  
Are all the main operational functions adequately staffed and resourced (finance, logistics, implementation, M&E)?
Does the organization have personnel guidelines?
Does the organization have personnel security procedures?
Networks and coordination  
Is the organization involved in networking with other Civil Society Organizations, humanitarian organizations or networks? If yes, please provide details.
Does the organization coordinate its work with other Civil Society Organizations (local, national, international)? If yes, please provide details.
How does the organization interact with beneficiaries and communities?
Does the organization coordinate with the government/authorities?
Does the organization engage in public or political processes (i.e. national and local government policy or budget discussions / decisions)
Information and advocacy  
Does the organization produce information materials regularly? If yes, please describe.
Does the organization hold public events for fundraising or other purposes? If yes, please describe.
Does the organization work through the media?
Does the organization use advocacy as a foundation of its work? If yes, please describe.
Does the organization perform any lobbying activities? If yes, please describe.
Does the organization have a stated mission and vision? Please provide the link if publicly available.  
What are the target group(s)/ beneficiaries of the organization?  
What is the geographical focus of the organization?  
What is the programmatic focus of the organization?  
Does the organization have a documented risk register and a risk management process?
Does the organization:  
Uphold and abide by the humanitarian principles?
Support the provision of impartial assistance solely based on needs?
Operate independently without the imposition of a political agenda?
Uphold a do-no-harm approach?
Have a long-term plan/strategy in place?
Have a framework for Accountability to Affected Populations?  
Have a Code of Conduct or other ethics policy?
Have policies and procedures to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse?
What donors are currently supporting the organization’s programmatic activities?  
What is the current overall budget for the organization’s activities?  
Has the organization faced any liquidity or solvency related challenges during the past three years? If yes, how was it resolved?  
Accounting system  
Does the organization have detailed policies documenting its accounting standards, rules and procedures?
Which accounting standards the organization follows (IPSAS; IFRS, national)?  
Which accounting software does the organization use and is it integrated with other functions (e.g. HR, procurement, etc.)?  
What is the document retention policy in relation to accounting and supporting documents? How does the organization ensure a safety of archives from theft, fire, flooding etc.? Were there any challenges faced in this respect during the last three years?  
Are all costs booked in the organizations accounts in a timely manner?  
Can the organization provide periodic financial reports at the project level?  
Financial control  
Does the organization have its own bank account registered in its own name?  
Does the organization have established internal audit functions?  
Is there a regular requirement for external audit on the organization's accounts and if yes, is it carried out in a timely manner?  
Does the organization comply with the audit recommendations received?  
What are the main characteristics of the internal control system in place? Were there any challenges faced in this respect during the last three years?  
How does the organization ensure sufficient segregation of duties?  
Is there a system in place to avoid double reporting of expenses to donors? Des the organization have a project accounting solution in place to facilitate related controls?  
Cost effectiveness  
Is the organization cost conscious? What principles are followed to minimize costs?
Are quotations or invoices collected before purchases are made?
Describe the logistical setup of the organization.  
Does the organization have and follow counterterrorism policies requiring systematically vetting partners and suppliers against recognized lists of terrorists?
Does the organization have clear procurement regulations? If yes, please share a copy.  
Was the organization's procurement policy reviewed and accepted by other organizations and/or donors?  
Does the organization have a clear policy for segregation of duties and delegation of authority in the procurement process?
Does the organization use a procurement plan?
Does the organization use ERP system to post procurement transactions?
Asset and warehouse management  
Does the organization have an asset database?
Does the organization have established protocols for handing over, write-off, sale and disposal of assets?  
Does the organization have procedures for managing stocks and warehouses?  

I, the undersigned, warrant that the information provided in this form is correct and, in the event of changes, details will be provided as soon as possible:

______________________ __________________ ____________

Name/ Signature/ Date

Declaration of Conformity Form



signatory (name and title):


As authorised signatory for the organization named above (the “Organization”), I hereby represent and warrant that neither the Organization, nor any person having powers of representation, decision-making or control over it or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body, has been the subject of a final judgement or final administrative decision for one of the following reasons:

  1. bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up procedures;
  2. breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions;
  3. grave professional misconduct, including misrepresentation;
  4. fraud;
  5. corruption;
  6. conduct related to a criminal organisation;
  7. money laundering or terrorist financing;
  8. terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities;
  9. child labour and other trafficking in human beings, any discriminatory or exploitative practice, or any practice that is inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of the Child or other prohibited practices;
  10. irregularity;
  11. creating or being a shell company.

On behalf of the Organization, I further represent and warrant that:

  1. The Organization is financially sound and duly licensed;
  2. The Organization has adequate human resources, equipment, competence, expertise and skills necessary to perform the partnership activities fully and satisfactorily, within the stipulated completion period and in accordance with the relevant conditions of collaboration;
  3. The Organization complies with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations when performing the partnership activities;
  4. The Organization will in all circumstances act in the best interests of IOM;
  5. No official of IOM or any third party has received from, will be offered by, or will receive from the Organization any direct or indirect benefit arising from the  partnership activities;
  6. The Organization has not misrepresented or concealed any material facts during the partnership process;
  7. The Organization will respect the legal status, privileges and immunities of IOM as an intergovernmental organization;
  8. Neither the Organization nor any persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over the Organization or any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body are included in the most recent Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (the “UN Sanctions List”), or are the subject of any sanctions or other temporary suspension. The Organization will immediately disclose to IOM if it or they become subject to any sanction or temporary suspension;
  9. The Organization does not employ, provide resources to, support, contract or otherwise deal with any person, entity or other group associated with terrorism as per the UN Sanctions List and any other applicable anti-terrorism legislation;
  10. The Organization will apply in the partnership activities the highest ethical standards, the principles of efficiency and economy, equal opportunity, open competition and transparency, and will avoid any conflict of interest;
  11. The Organization undertakes to comply with the Code of Conduct for IOM Implementing Partners.

It is the responsibility of the Organization to inform IOM immediately of any change to the information provided in this Form.

IOM reserves the right to withdraw any offer of partnership or terminate any agreement, with immediate effect and without liability, in the event of any misrepresentation made by the Organization in this Form.

Date and signature

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