Pridružite se regionalnoj konferenciji “Signs of Solidarity and Solutions”

Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo pozvati vas da nam se kroz svoje online učešće  pridružite na hibridnoj regionalnoj konferenciji „Signs of Solidarity and Solutions“ koja će se održati 17-18.11.2021. godine.

Registraciju za konferenciju možete obaviti putem linka: najkasnije do utorka 16.11.2021.godine.

Ovaj jedinstveni regionalni događaj okupit će kompanije, korporativne fondacije, organizacije civilnog društva te filantrope i filantropkinje iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije, Crne Gore, Makedonije i Kosova koje će kroz zanimljive panel diskusije govoriti o solidarnosti i zajednici, a posebno smo ponosni da ćemo drugi dan konferencije proglasiti i dobitnice i dobitnike prve SIGN regionalne nagrade za filantropiju.

U nastavku s vama dijelimo više informacija o konferenciji koja će se održati na engleskom jeziku sa dostupnim prijevodom na bosanski, srpski, hrvatski, crnogorski, albanski i makedonski jezik.

Pridružite nam se na najvećem regionalnom okupljanju ljudi koji čine dobro i brinu za zajednicu.


SIGNS of Solidarity and Solutions is a regional two-day event organized by SIGN (SouthEast European Indigenous Grantmakers Network) as a closing ceremony of three-year long project funded by the European Commission, Balkan Trust for Democracy, Balkan Civil Society Development Network and German Marshall Fund of the United States.

The aim of the conference is to educate, inform and inspire on philanthropy by shading a light on solidarity and resilience in the time of crisis. Although it is envisioned as a unique moment of celebration, it will also serve as a road map for various actors in the field. The conference will bring together inspirational speeches given by well-known philanthropists from the region and panel discussions tailored to provoke regional dialog and exchange on specific topics relevant for building a conducive environment for philanthropic engagement while the closing ceremony is reserved for the first SIGN Regional Philanthropy Award.

As a distinctive regional event, the conference will offer unique perspective on different experiences of solidarity and community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia, shared by the media representatives, business sector, corporate philanthropy foundations, civil society organizations, grassroot community organizations and outstanding individual philanthropists. The vibrant panel discussions will take place across six panels: “Everyone Can Be a Philanthropist”, “The Power of Caring and Giving”, “Good (in the) News”, “Why Philanthropy Forums Matter”, “Corporate Foundations as Partnership Brokers”, “Philanthropy and Businesses – The Competitive Advantages of Strategic Philanthropy” and “The Role of Philanthropy in Building Viable and Resilient CSOs”.

Adapting to new normal, the event is a hybrid gathering with broadcasted live program from a studio in Sarajevo (Hotel Hills, Butmirska cesta 18, Ilidža) that will host up to 40 participants, while the rest of participants will be joining us online through virtual platform. Please join us online by registering for the event no later than November, 16 2021:


U 2021. godini  čanice  mreže SIGN su: Fondacija Trag (Srbija), Fondacija Mozaik (Bosna i Hercegovina), Fond za aktivno građanstvo – fAKT (Crna Gora); Forum za građanske inicijative – FIQ (Kosovo), HORUS (Republika Sjeverna Makedonija) i Fondacija Catalyst Balkans (Srbija).


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